Thank you to the 40+ students and volunteers that helped plant over 600 bare root trees and more than 1,100 live stakes at the Manning Dairy in St. Albans on April 12th!

The goal of this planting was to stabilize the streambanks to prevent erosion and enhance wildlife habitat and corridor connectivity. This 3-acre planting is located on a tributary to Hungerford Brook and added 1,100 feet of buffer along the tributary.
The species planted at this site included Yellow Birch, Nannyberry, Hackberry, Chokecherry, American Cranberry, Silky Dogwood, Elderberry, American Larch, Red Maple, Silver Maple, Burr Oak, Sycamore, Buttonbush, Eastern Cottonwood, and Quaking Aspen along with Shrub Willow, Speckled Alder, Red Osier Dogwood and Silky Dogwood live stakes. These species were selected with input from Audubon Vermont to provide food and habitat for wildlife along with providing water quality and stream bank stability benefits.
Thank you again to all the volunteers that made this possible! If you are interested in volunteering for one of upcoming tree plantings, please visit this link to learn about upcoming plantings and to RSVP:
Also, check out the article written by John Custodio from the Saint Albans Messenger!
